Gardnerville Massage

Investing in Massage is an Investment in your Health



Thank you for your interest in massage therapy and my website. I am Amy Kramer, LMT, MS. Massage therapy and fitness are my passions. I have been an active person my whole life beginning with a mirage of athletics in my youth, continuing well into my adulthood as extracurricular activites, and finally into my higher education and career.

Since receiving my massage therapy diploma in 2004 I have collected experience in multiple health and wellness schools, classes, volunteer programs, and job opportunities. My Master of Science degree in Kinesiology has given me the ability to combine my manual therapy skills with the skill to spot muscular imbalances. 

My specialty is in chronic pain. Chronic pain is any pain felt for at least 12 weeks, and may include: lower back pain, pain from an old injury or accident, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, headaches, fibromyalgia, pain from emotional or repetitive physical stress, pain or general discomfort from neurological disorders, and post-operative pain. My technique is outcome focused, however regular massage appointments are the best way to keep your symptoms at ease for the long term.  



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